Choosing to measure your blood pressure at home does not carry the risks you think. On the contrary, performing this action yourself brings countless benefits to you from health, spirit, time or even money!
The benefits of measuring blood pressure at home
Regularly measuring blood pressure at home is an action that medical experts strongly encourage. Because not only is it good for people suffering from high blood pressure, but normal people also get many different benefits. Even though you may not have high blood pressure at the present time, you are at risk of developing this disease in the future. Measure blood pressure regularly every day to screen for disease as well as adjust your lifestyle and living habits to be healthy.
Here are some benefits of measuring blood pressure at home, including:
- Recognizing abnormal signs from blood pressure parameters and thereby detecting other related diseases such as kidney disease, diabetes, etc. early on will facilitate treatment.
- For hypertensive patients, measuring blood pressure is the best way to control the disease! Thanks to daily blood pressure records, your treating doctor can effectively provide a treatment regimen and methods to handle unexpected situations that may arise.
- Thanks to daily blood pressure measurement, patients can adjust their living habits and diet accordingly and control the situation. This is also the basis for them to know when they need to see a doctor.
- Measuring your blood pressure also helps you recognize when it is true high blood pressure and when it is white coat syndrome high blood pressure. This syndrome appears due to the patient’s fear of having to go to the hospital. One of the benefits of measuring blood pressure at home is that it helps you get the most accurate readings.
- Not only that, measuring blood pressure also helps you reduce unnecessary costs due to having to go to medical facilities to have your blood pressure checked. In addition, being self-sufficient at home also helps you save a lot of time to take better care of your health.
Experts encourage everyone to monitor and measure blood pressure at home. However, there are special subjects who are recommended to use this method to closely monitor their health situation and prevent bad situations from occurring at any time, including:
- People with obesity, overweight and diabetes
- People with a history of high blood pressure or low blood pressure.
- People who have just been diagnosed with high blood pressure and are undergoing medication treatment under the guidance of a specialist.
- Older adults or anyone at high risk for high blood pressure.
- Women who are pregnant and especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy. They are very susceptible to gestational diabetes. One of the signs of the disease is abnormally high blood sugar levels.